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We’re researching tests and treatments to improve the lives of people like Sara. All gifts over $2 are tax deductible.

Sara’s story

Living with Crohn’s disease is a constant struggle for Sara.

“Some days the pain is so bad I can’t even get out of bed,” she says. “I can’t even have a shower without being doubled over in agony.”

Sara’s condition causes her body to attack its own tissues and the debilitating symptoms of Crohn’s disease can include severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. At its worst, the condition can be life-threatening.

There is currently no cure and while drug therapies can provide some temporary relief, most living with the condition end up needing invasive surgery.

At the Bionics Institute a new medical device is being developed with the potential to prevent the debilitating symptoms and bring relief to people like Sara.

Help fund pioneering research

There is an urgent need to find better ways to provide much needed relief from the effects of Crohn’s disease and other debilitating conditions.

Researchers at the Bionics Institute are working on cutting-edge devices and treatments for a range of conditions including Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, hearing loss, Alzheimer’s disease and chronic pain.

Will you help turn cutting edge research into the lifechanging treatments and therapies of the future?

Your donation can help speed up research from the lab to those needing treatment, as is the case with our electrical stimulation device to treat Crohn’s disease being implanted in a patient at the Austin Hospital.

Help us fast-track treatments to fight chronic conditions

The use of electricity to alter the activity of nerves has given rise to a broad range of promising new treatments for autoimmune diseases and chronic conditions that are poorly controlled by drugs.

You can help make a positive change in the lives of people with painful and debilitating conditions.

“The Bionics Institute’s research into innovative new treatments give people like me hope of a better future.” – Sara

About the research

Our world-class scientists, engineers and clinicians work together to create and develop medical devices and transform the lives of people around the world. Our research focuses on developing new therapies and diagnostic tools in six main areas.

Autoimmune & chronic conditions

Brain research

Bionic limb research

Chronic pain research

Hearing & vision research

Incubator research

The success of our research is marked by the creation of spin-off companies that ensure our research is translated into clinical outcomes. Investment in these companies will fund future research at the Bionics Institute.

Want to support the future of research like this?
Early-stage research for life-changing devices & treatments like this is made possible by donations from our supporters.

Your support today could turn the seed of an idea into a new treatment in the future.

Find out how you can support research innovation here.

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