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Participate in Tinnitus Research

Learn how you can participate in our research and help test a new diagnostic tool for tinnitus

Seeking people with or without tinnitus

Our tinnitus research study aims to investigate a way to objectively ‘measure’ tinnitus using a safe and non-invasive brain imaging technique based on near-infrared light.

Once we know how to measure tinnitus objectively, we can move forward into seeing which treatments actually work. While we are collecting data from individuals with tinnitus, we also need data from people who do not experience tinnitus.

Research study for people with tinnitus

Do you or someone you know experience chronic tinnitus? The Bionics Institute is seeking people aged between 18 and 65 with chronic tinnitus to take part in a research study to develop an objective measure of tinnitus. To be eligible, participants should have tinnitus, no known neurological conditions and do not use hearing aids.

We are also seeking cochlear implant recipients over 18 who experience tinnitus to participate in the study.

Research study for people without tinnitus

The Bionics institute is seeking individuals who have standard hearing to take part in the study.

What is involved in the study?

If you participate in the study you will be asked to visit the Bionics Institute for:

• a single 1-2hr visit to our audiology facility in East Melbourne

• a hearing test

• wearing a near-infrared light imaging cap to measure your brain activity.

Participants will be reimbursed $20 for their time and travel, and free parking is available.

To register your interest in the study, please complete our registration form by clicking on the link below.

What is the aim of the tinnitus research?

In this study we are developing a new way to measure tinnitus using a new brain imaging technique that uses near-infrared light. The aim of the research is to establish an objective measure of tinnitus that doesn’t rely on subjective self-reported symptoms.

Further Information

You can read more about our tinnitus research here.

Or view our research flyer here.

A world leader in the development of medical devices, the Bionics Institute solves the world’s most challenging conditions with innovative technology.