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Celebrating 46 years of groundbreaking research

A celebration of our rich history in medical innovation was held on 2 July, hosted at Government House by Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria.

The event marked 46 years since the successful implantation of the first multi-channel cochlear implant. Invented and developed by Bionics Institute founder, Laureate Professor Grame Clark AC at the University of Melbourne, the cochlear implant has given the joy of hearing to over 750,000 people worldwide.


It was a pleasure to host an event to celebrate the vision of the Bionics Institute and recognise the contributions of those who make its work possible.” Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria

The cochlear implant not only changed the way hearing loss is treated forever, but also built the discipline of Biomedical Engineering and led to the creation of the Bionics Institute (then known as The Bionic Ear Institute) in 1986.

Since then, our researchers have continued to build on this knowledge and expertise to put the Bionics Institute and Australia at the forefront of medical device research. We have expanded into the development of devices and treatments for some of the world’s most challenging conditions, including Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

The celebration brought together many of our wonderful supporters that represent the community and dedication behind the continuous progress of Bionics Institute research. Progress that would not be possible without the caring contributions of our donors like you.


Innovative medical breakthroughs like the cochlear implant are only made possible by collaboration between researchers, engineers and healthcare professionals, with the vital support of board members, volunteers and caring supporters.” Robert Klupacs, CEO

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